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How to write a nanny cover letter easily

Being a nanny is an occupation that is often seen as effortless and easy. This isn’t the case. To be a truly great nanny you must be organised, you have to be empathetic, you have to be able to think on your feet and consider all of the possible situations when you may need to work in. Being a nanny is thus not an easy job and it takes a great deal of skill and temperament to be one. Therefore, when applying to be a nanny, it is important to remember that first impressions are important. And one of the very first impressions that you will give will be through your cover letter – it is a perfect way to demonstrate your ability and to ensure that your prospective employer sees you as a serious candidate for the job that you are applying for. If you don’t know how to write a cover letter this may make you feel concerned. However, don’t worry, this article will explain exactly how to write an excellent nanny cover letter.


Experience, Experience

When writing your nanny cover letter, it is important to consider experience. This doesn’t simply mean experience as a nanny – after all this may be your first time applying for such a position – but your experience in life. Being a nanny means not only knowing how to look after children, it also means a variety of other activities that are associated with childcare. The more experience you have of real life activities and of activities that are associated with childcare, the better you will be at ensuring that you get the job you desire – knowing what you are doing is important in convincing your prospective employers that you can be trusted with their children and that you will look after them.

This is a factor which must come through as strongly as possible in your cover letter and you must ensure that you will not only be able to take care of them but also that you will be a positive influence on the children you will be looking after. This central idea is key to your cover letter and you must make sure that you repeat it as often as possible to ensure that it sticks in the reader’s mind – however, you must make sure that you vary the way that you phrase it. Repetition is important, to assure your prospective employer that you have experience for looking after children, but it is vital that you don’t make your letter seem boring. Your letter must engage your reader – if it doesn’t then they are less likely to employ you in the occupation that you wish to be in. Variation is key to any good cover letter, particularly a nanny cover letter as you must be able to show you have dexterity.


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When writing your cover letter, it is important that you ensure that you get your passion across. Passion for work is an important thing and it is particularly necessary when you are applying for a job such as a nanny. After all, you will be looking after your prospective employer’s children so if you fail to show any passion for your work you will not be as likely to be employed by them as they are unlikely to employ someone who doesn’t show any emotional investment in their children. This is the key to being a good nanny and being able to write a good nanny cover letter – you must be able to demonstrate through words that you have the passion and ability to look after your prospective employer’s children through your cover letter. If you cannot show that in your cover letter it is unlikely that you will get the position that you want.

You should also remember that you must keep a good balance between balance and professionalism. Your letter should not come off as gushing; you must demonstrate your passion but also ensure that your employers do not think you are incapable of being strict when you need to be and that you also understand responsibility.

A highly important element of a successful nanny cover letter is detail. You must be able to provide detail about yourself in your cover letter which will demonstrate that you are an attractive and able candidate for the position you are applying for. This sort of detail can come from a variety of different sources and does not necessarily have to simply rely on your CV.

  • Educational information. Educational information is important as knowing what qualifications you have can influence how a prospective employer views you as a candidate. However, it is important to remember that you shouldn’t overly rely on your qualifications as they will all be included in your CV, which will be sent with your cover letter. Therefore, it is imperative that you only include qualifications that are directly relevant.
  • Personal Information. Letting some of your own experience and personality shine through your letter isn’t a bad thing; it will demonstrate to your prospective employers that you are a human who has strong feelings and that you will look after their children properly.
  • Balance. As mentioned above, when writing a nanny cover letter, it is vital that you ensure that you have balance between the personal and the professional. You don’t want your cover letter to come across as overly familiar but nor do you want it to seem as if you are a cold fish with no emotions. Getting that balance right will show not only your ability to convince your prospective employers that you are the right person for the job but also that you have clear judgement about moderation.

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